Montag, 27. September 2010

Present for a friend:
I had so much fun doing this!

Dienstag, 29. Juni 2010


Endlich nach Krankheit und Schwangerschaftsbedingter Übelkeit hab ich wieder zum scrappen begonnen. Hier sind unsere 2 größeren mit den Nachbarskindern.
Finally, after being sick for a long time and the normal problems because of a pregnancy, I started again with scrapping. Here you can see our two oldest one with kids from our neighborhood.

Sie wachsen gemeinsam auf, gehen in den gleichen Kindergarten und danach in die gleich Klasse - so auch ihre Geschwister - irgendwie schön!
They are growing up together. Attending the same Kindergarden (in Austria you attend Kindergarden from 3-6 years) and also the same class in school. The same happens to their sibling - that´some how really nice!

Sonntag, 10. Januar 2010

The very last Christmas gift!

Wir where alloud to spent our last summer holidays at uncle´s cottage in Kärnten/Carinthia.

I had so much fun with creating these pages!

Sonntag, 3. Januar 2010

Weihnachtsgeschenke 2009/ Christmas presents 2009

I did some scrapping since the last time, but here the ones which lasted until morning hours! Even though I had a lot of fun! I made about 6 calenders.
I took the pictures in the very last minute right before a wrapped them for a gift - so some are unsharp or you can see my shedow or the flash light as well.